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Joi Gifts - Art of Gifting

  • Ramadan Napolitains 56 pcs by Godiva
  • Ramadan Napolitains 56 pcs by Godiva
  • Ramadan Napolitains 56 pcs by Godiva

Ramadan Napolitains 56 pcs by Godiva

Indulge in the goodness of Godiva with this Ramadan Napolitains 56 pcs by Godiva. Treat yourself to a selection of luxurious chocolates, with different flavors to choose from. From creamy and crunchy, to bitter and sweet, this box has something for everyone. Perfect as a gift or self-care treat, the Ramadan Chocolate Collection is the ultimate way to enjoy authentic chocolate at its finest.

Gift Details:

  • 56 pieces ranging in flavors from well-balanced Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, and Dark Pistachio.

  • Availability: Out of Stock
  • SKU: 102443

Joi Gifts - The art of gifting