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Joi Gifts - Art of Gifting

  • Nagaham V-Shaped Pot by Silsal
  • Nagaham V-Shaped Pot by Silsal
  • Nagaham V-Shaped Pot by Silsal

Nagaham V-Shaped Pot by Silsal

Shaped elegantly and adorned with intricate key motifs in 22K Gold, the Nagaham V-Shaped Pot by Silsal is a versatile masterpiece, perfect for presenting plants, serving delicious popcorn, and everything in between. With the heartfelt lyrics from one of the best region's appreciation songs, it becomes a unique expression of gratitude, making it an ideal and thoughtful gift. And for an extra special touch, the QR code on the box can be scanned for an expressive love song. Let this elegant pot convey your appreciation and love, turning every gifting occasion into a symphony of heartfelt thanks.

Gift Details:

  • Featuring intricate key motifs in 22K Gold and lyrics inspired by a heartwarming Arabic song
  • Material: porcelain
  • Hint: Scan QR code on the vessel for an expressive love song

  • Availability: Out of Stock

Joi Gifts - The art of gifting