Hayati Roses Bouquet by Camelia Flowers
Show your special someone that you care with this Hayati Roses Bouquet by Camelia Flowers. This gorgeous bouquet of red roses is the perfect gift for Valentine's Day or any other special occasion. Roses symbolize love, passion, and devotion—you can't go wrong with this beautiful bouquet. With its luxurious texture and vibrant colors, the recipient is sure to be delighted by this thoughtful gift. Whether you are looking for something to show your appreciation or just want to spread some love, this bouquet is sure to do the trick!
Gift Details:
- Bouquet of 10 Baby Red Spray Roses & 10 stems of Eucalyptus Cinerea
- Red roses are the true sign of love and convey passion, devotion, and romance
- Availability: Out of Stock
- SKU: joi49834-abudhabi