The Best 5 Flowers for International Women’s Day

Every year on March 8, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. The event commemorates women fighting for their rights and honors the great achievements made by women all around the world in every aspect. International Women’s Day is considered a chance for both women and men to appreciate and recognize the remarkable women in their lives from sisters to wives, mothers, friends, and colleagues.

On International Women’s Day, there is a tradition of giving as a way of expressing support for women’s rights and gender equality. The colors of the flowers can have special significance. For example, purple is often associated with women’s empowerment, while yellow represents friendship and happiness. This lasting tradition of this day shows appreciation for women. This tradition is originally Russian but it is now known and practiced worldwide. If you’re wondering which flowers are the best for this event, in this article we have gathered for you the best 5 flowers to give on International Women’s Day.



One of the well-known flowers for International Women’s Day is the yellow mimosa. Mimosas are not only beautiful bright flowers, they also hold a beautiful history linking them to Women’s Day. Feminists in Italy chose the mimosa flower on March 8, 1946, as a symbol of strength, sensibility, and sensitivity for Women’s Day. Mimosa flowers are typically the first to bloom along the Italian landscape to indicate spring’s arrival. Mimosa could be presented on International Women’s Day as a single flower or as a bouquet. Appreciate an important woman in your life by giving her a beautiful bouquet of Mimosa and celebrate her this Women’s Day.


The Flawless One Roses Bouquet

Besides roses being worldwide-known flower gifts, roses are beautiful, delicate, and complex which makes them a perfect representation of femininity and  women. According to the New York Times, flower shops across Russia alone sell around 150,000 roses on March 8. Choose between the different colors of roses or mix them in a rose bouquet or a vase to show the woman in your life how much you appreciate her on her special day.


The Great Hugger Flower Arrangement

Lilies stand for womanhood, beauty, motherhood, and passion. That is why they are considered one of the perfect flowers for International Women’s Day. If you’re looking for a fragrant, elegant flower to present to the woman you appreciate, lily bouquets are the best option for you on this special occasion.


Get Well Soon Tulips Flowers Bundle

Tulips are spring blooms and they are considered the most popular flowers given on Women’s Day around the world. Opt for a single flower or a tulip bouquet if you are looking for a flower that is both colorful and elegant to celebrate a significant woman in your life.


The Innocent One Flower Arrangement

The official color of International Women’s Day is purple, making orchids one of the best blooms for the day. Purple is associated with the women’s rights movement; it symbolizes loyalty and dignity. Empower the special woman in your life with an orchid arrangement and let her know how much you appreciate her. 

Those were the best 5 blooms that are known to be given on International Women’s Day around the world. Choose between them or mix and match them together to show the women in your life how much you appreciate them.

Browse our wide selection of flowers and gifts that are sure to show your gratitude for the superwomen in your life and enjoy 10% off using the code WOMEN10 valid till March 10.Enjoy 10% off when you order your flowers or gifts from Joi. Use code “WOMEN10” valid till the 10th of March and pamper all the superwomen on their special day.

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